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American Ginseng Root 泡参须 100g
American Ginseng Root 泡参须 100g / Pck


RM 15.90

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泡参须 1 参须泡水对于肿瘤患者有好处。 参须有很好的抗肿瘤的作用,特别是对于一些肝癌病人来说,服用了人参须糖浆后就可以很好地降低肿块同时也可以很好地提高患者的免疫力。 2 参须泡水可以治疗咳嗽吐血生津。 参须对于呕逆有好处,同时也有很好的止渴作用,同时参须还有很好的益气功效,可以,止渴以及生津。 3 参须泡水养颜功效 。 参须可以补血,也可以养血、同时也可以补气益气还能滋阴补阴对于女性来说常吃参须有很好的养颜功效,还可以抗衰老。同时参须也有很好的安神镇定作。 4 参须泡水健脾功效。 参须对于脾气虚弱的人有好处,对于运化无力而造成的一些脘腹胀满或者是食欲不振或者是肢倦乏力等症的都有很大的好处。 5 参须泡水还可以安神除烦。 参须富含有大量的氨基酸和维生素,这样就可以加快人体的新陈代谢,同时也可以镇静安神,对失眠的人有帮助,同时参须也有很好的消除疲劳的功效。 of Ginseng Root 1 Soaking ginseng in water is good for those tourists. It is necessary to have a good fight against tumors. For some people, taking ginseng action can reduce tumors and improve the wisdom of consumers on the ground. 2 Ginseng should be soaked in water for treatment, and you can drink vomiting blood and promoting fluid. Ginseng beard is good for vomiting, but also has the effect of quenching thirst. At the same time, ginseng beard also has a good effect of replenishing qi, quenching thirst and promoting body fluid. 3 Ginseng must be soaked in water to nourish the skin. Ginseng must replenish blood, nourish blood, and at the same time can nourish qi, nourish qi, nourish yin and nourish yin. Women say that eating ginseng must have good facial effects and can also resist aging. At the same time, ginseng also has a good calming work for calming the nerves. 4 Ginseng must be soaked in water to invigorate the spleen. Ginseng must be good for people with weak temperament, and it is a great benefit for symptoms such as bloating of the abdominal abdomen caused by mobilization, lack of toys or weakness of limbs. 5 Ginseng must be soaked in water to soothe the nerves and relieve troubles. Participants must have a large number of attachments and text, so that they can become the image of a robot, and at the same time they can calm oneself, help oneself, and also have a good effect of deleting references