Original new product 产品介绍: 一口菇,又名珍珠一口菇,既能一口吞入腹中的香菇。其体型瘦小(约相当于马币20仙)却不失一般香菇的风味,肉质爽滑,有嚼劲,香味浓郁,是性价比最高的一种菇类。 营养价值: 香菇富含人体必需的脂肪酸,它不仅能降低血脂,又助于降低血清、胆固醇和抑制动脉血栓的形成。另外,香菇干品中矿物质含量较多,可作为补钙、补铁、补磷的良好来源。此外,香菇还含有锰、锌、铜、镁、硒等微量元素,可维持肌体正常代谢从而延长人类寿命,并对某些矿物质缺乏地区儿童的生长发育具有良好的预防和治疗作用。 药用功效: 1)防治肿瘤 2)增强免疫力 3)抗血栓 4)健胃保肝 5) 预防佝偻病及贫血
Product description:
Dried shiitake mushroom, which is also known as pearl mushroom, can be swallowed easily as it is small in size, which equal to the dimension of 20sen Ringgit Malaysia. Despite of having a small sizing, dried shiitake mushroom is comparable to other types of mushrooms in terms of taste, aroma, and texture. The meat texture of the dried shiitake mushroom is smooth and chewy. Also, it has a particular strong aroma which makes it one of the best sellers among the mushrooms family.
Nutritional value:
Dried shiitake mushrooms are rich in essential fatty acids which is responsible for lowering the blood fat, serum and cholesterol as well as inhibiting the formation of arterial thrombosis. Besides, due to the high minerals content within dried shiitake mushrooms, the mushroom serve as a good source of calcium, iron, and phosphorus. In addition, the dried shiitake mushrooms contain some trace elements such as manganese, zinc, copper, magnesium, selenium and etc., that aid in maintaining normal body metabolism and prolonging life. Furthermore, it possesses a good preventive and therapeutic effect towards the growth and development of children in certain mineral-deficient areas. Medicinal effects: 1) Prevention of tumours 2) Enhance immunity 3) Anti-thrombosis 4) Promote health for stomach and liver 5) Prevention of rickets and anaemia #珍珠一口香菇 #珍珠菇 #一口菇 #冬菇 #香菇 #driedmushroom #pearlmushroom #cheap #food #mushroom # dried #cendawan #staples