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  • 01126911788
Dried Black Eye Beans  白眉豆
Dried Black Eye Beans 白眉豆 / Btl

Kg - Kg

RM 2.90 - RM 12.90

Dried Black Eye Beans 白眉豆:
Only 595 Items Left


白眉豆美国 1kg Black Eyed Bean USA White Eyed Bean


1. 眉豆提供了易于消化吸收的优质蛋白蛋,适量的碳水化合物及多种维生素、微量元素等,补充机体的营养成分,提高免疫力;
2. 眉豆所含维生素B1能维持正常的消化腺分泌和胃肠道蠕动的功能,抑制胆碱酶活性,可帮助消化,增进食欲;
3. 眉豆的磷脂有促进胰岛素分泌,参加糖代谢的作用,是糖尿病人的理想食品。

lack-eyed peas, also known as cowpeas, are a common legume cultivated around the globe. Despite their name, black-eyed peas are not peas but rather a type of bean.
Black-eyed peas are incredibly nutrient-dense, packing plenty of fiber and protein into each serving. They’re also a good source of several important micronutrients, including folate, copper, thiamine, and iron.
They are high in protein and fiber, along with micronutrients such as folate, copper, and thiamine. May help increase weight loss, improve digestive health, and support better heart health. They are very versatile and can be added to a variety of recipes, including soups, stews, and salads.
Black-eyed peas are high in antinutrients and may cause digestive issues in some people. However, soaking and cooking them can help minimize side effects.
Best keep refrigerated