White Glutinous Rice : 1. It has nourishing effect. It has the functions of tonifying deficiency, nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and warming the stomach, and antiperspirant. 2. Relieve spleen and stomach deficiency and coldness. It is suitable for nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea caused by deficiency of spleen and stomach, sweating, shortness of breath and weakness caused by qi deficiency, pregnancy abdominal distension, and abdominal distension and diarrhea to a certain extent. Take appropriate amounts of glutinous rice and red dates, add water to cook porridge, and can be used as an auxiliary treatment for cold stomach pain, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. 3. Relieve the symptoms of frequent urination. Glutinous rice has astringent effect and has a good therapeutic effect on frequent urination and spontaneous sweating. 4. It has anti-cancer effect. Glutinous rice is not only mixed with medicine to make wine, but can also be brewed with fruits. For example, "Prickly Pear Glutinous Rice Wine", regular drinking can prevent cardiovascular disease and fight cancer. 5. Help digestion. Glutinous rice can help digestion, and it also has a soothing effect, and can relieve symptoms of fatigue and dizziness. These effects of glutinous rice are more prominent after being made into fermented glutinous rice wine, and it is also more convenient to eat and less affected by the amount used. limit.
1、有滋补作用 有补虚、补血、健脾暖胃、止汗等作用。
2、缓解脾胃虚寒 适用于脾胃虚寒所致的反胃、食欲减少、泄泻和气虚引起的汗虚、气短无力、妊娠腹坠胀,腹胀腹泻有一定缓解作用。糯米、红枣各适量,加水煮粥食,可用于胃寒痛、胃馈疡及十二指肠溃疡的辅助治疗。
3、缓解尿频症状 糯米有收涩作用,对尿频、自汗有较好的食疗效果。
4、有抗癌作用 糯米不但配药物酿酒,而且可以和果品同酿。如“刺梨糯米酒”,常饮能防心血管疾病,抗癌。
5、帮助消化 糯米可以帮助消化,也有安神的作用,能够缓解疲劳和头昏眼花的症状,糯米的这些效果在做成醪糟酒酿以后更加突出,而且食用起来也更方便,不太受使用量的限制。